Friday, January 18, 2013


On the flight from Philadelphia to Seattle (en route to Point Roberts, WA), I identified a possible new ancestor.   He was Baer KANTERSON of Schloß Kyschau in West Prussia (now, Zamek Kiszewski, Poland).   He might be my newest great great great great grandfather.

Back in October 2012 a few days after finding out that the wife of Abraham LAUDON of Rosenberg, West Prussia was Rachel (Rahel) KANTORSOHN (CANTORSOHN), I found an entry in the West Prussia 1812 Citizenship Database for a Baer KANTERSON of Schloss Kyschau (Subsidiary List  5Page #37 (WP)).  But there was nothing to link Rachel to Baer.

On 5 January 2013, I reviewed an LDS microfilm of Rosenberg Jewish community births to look for LAUDON family members.  The only LAUDON entry was the birth of Alfred Laudon on 13 Aug 1874 to the Kaufmann Bernhard LAUDON and Ottilie geb. FREYMUTH.  From the son being named Alfred, this seemed like another possible son of Abraham Laudon and Rachel KANTORSOHN.  While flying from Philadelphia to Seattle, I re-noticed my earlier note about the possibility that Rachel’s father might have been Baer KANTERSON of Schloß Kyschau.

Now there were two interlinking theories that could add Bernhard LAUDON and Baer KANTERSON to the tree.  First, by location and naming, it seems likely that Bernhard was a son of Abraham LAUDON and Rachel geb. KANTORSOHN, since like his putative siblings Henriette and Johanna, he named a son after his father Abraham; each having an Alfred or Arthur.   And, then, assuming that connection to be correct, it could be the case that Rachel named a son Bernhard after her father, who could then be Baer KANTERSON.

Other than checking to see whether Sara HAMMERSTEIN geb. KANTORSOHN happened to name a son Baer or Bernhard (or Issachar), I will have to wait for more opportunities to prove this new ancestral link.

[Written at the Caffe Capanna and at Don's House, and posted from Sylvia's House in Point Roberts, Washington, USA.]

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