One year ago (27 October 2011) at the archive of the Centrum Judaicum in Berlin, I found the Curt Jacobsohn File and learned about the family of my great grandmother Ida RAPHAELSOHN geb. JACOBSOHN.
Nine days ago (20 October 2012), I had a wonderful conversation with my newly found JACOBSOHN family cousin in Buenos Aires.

Today, via Don, I also received an excerpt from the memoir of Lutz RAPHAELSON (1922-2002) which happened to describe that same building and store. He wrote:
"Liebstadt was one of those towns with a few stores around the market square like hundreds of others which serviced the farms in the area. My [step-great] grandmother had one of those stores where you could buy everything from cigars to hats to silk stockings. My [step-great] uncle Curt ran it. It was really a small department store."
The year of discovery keeps yielding new and interesting findings.
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